West Broadway Master Plan


Dover, Kohl & Partners (DK&P) led a multidisciplinary to create a master plan for the West Broadway area in Missoula, Montana. Throughout the planning process, DK&P worked with the Missoula Redevelopment Agency, Business Improvement District, and IMEG. The project began in February 2021 with a Virtual Charrette attended by hundreds and is still underway. 

The roughly 15-acre project site on the western edge of Missoula’s downtown is bounded by West Broadway Street, North Russell Street, North California Street, and the Clark Fork River. This project is built upon the ideas of Missoula’s Downtown Master Plan. The Plan for the West Broadway addresses the current needs of the area while planning big for the future. The Illustrative Plan shows how this area might develop by depicting the proposed streets, buildings, alleys, parking locations, and open spaces of a full future build-out of this area. Understanding that complete change will not happen overnight, the plan is designed to be implemented one piece at a time, as opportunities arise.