Neptune Beach Community Vision Plan 2040


The Neptune Beach Community Vision Plan 2040 imagines a long-range course for future public improvements and sustainable growth for the City of Neptune Beach, Florida. Before the official comprehensive plan and land development regulations can be updated (Phases 2 and 3 respectively), local leaders realized it was important to establish a shared vision of how Neptune Beach should look and feel as it evolves. For this purpose, the Dover, Kohl & Partners team created the Phase 1 Vision Plan in which we worked with the City Council and staff, community stakeholders, and the general public to prioritize investments and policy reforms. In winter 2019 and early spring 2020, the consultant team and the city hosted a Project Kick-Off Meeting, Neighborhood Workshops, and a week-long Design Charrette. The charrette was a fully virtual event, giving the citizens multiple opportunities to engage with the team and provide feedback through a range of online platforms and activities. In response to the public input, our team rapidly produced drawings and illustrations to demonstrate how existing streets, public spaces, and development sites could be optimized and used online surveys and live webinar Q&As to solicit feedback on those ideas. The Community Vision Plan is scheduled for completion sometime in late summer or early fall of 2020.


These were all draft charrette illustrations that are being updated